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A table listing some of the Astronomical Phenomena for October 2015:

Phenomena October

2Moon passes 0.5 degrees north of Aldebaran mag +0.9, occultation is visible from North America and Japan (13:14 UT)
3Asteroid (15) Eunomia mag +7.9 is at opposition in Pegasus
4Last quarter Moon (21:07 UT)
6Moon passes 12 degrees south of Pollux mag +1.1 (0 UT)
8Moon passes 0.7 degrees south of Venus mag -4.5, occultation is visible from Australia and New Zealand (20:33 UT)
8Mercury mag +1.0 is stationary in Virgo, afterwards begins direct motion (22 UT)
8Draconids meteor shower peaks ZHR = 1 to 2 (normal), up to 6000 (storm)
9Moon passes 3 degrees south of Mars mag +1.8 (17 UT)
9Venus mag -4.5 passes 3 degree south of Regulus mag +1.4 (21 UT)
10Moon passes 3 degrees south of Jupiter mag -1.8 (0 UT)
11Moon passes 0.9 degrees south of Mercury mag +0.2, occultation is visible from S South America and Falkland Islands (12:00 UT)
11Moon is at apogee 406,389 km or 252,518 miles from Earth (13:33 UT)
12Uranus mag +5.7 is at opposition in Pisces approx. 18.984 AU (approx. 2840 million km or 1765 million miles) from the Earth (4 UT)
12Mercury is at perihelion 0.307 AU (approx. 45.9 million kms or 28.5 million miles) from the Sun (18 UT)
13New Moon (0:06 UT)
13Asteroid (471) Papagena mag +9.5 is at opposition in Cetus
16Mercury mag -0.6 is at greatest elongation west 18.1 degrees (3 UT)
16Moon passes 3 degrees north of Saturn mag +0.6 (13 UT)
16Dwarf planet Eris mag +18.7 is at opposition in Cetus
17Moon passes 10 degrees north of Antares mag +1.0 (2 UT)
17Mars mag +1.8 passes 0.4 degrees north of Jupiter mag -1.8 (14 UT)
20First quarter Moon (20:32 UT)
21Orionids meteor shower peaks ZHR = 25 (can vary between 20 and 70)
23Moon passes 3 degrees north of Neptune mag +7.9 (19 UT)
25Asteroid (29) Amphitrite mag +8.7 is at opposition in Aries
26Venus mag -4.4 is at greatest elongation west 46.4 degrees (7 UT)
26Saturn's moon Iapetus is at greatest western elongation mag +10.1 (7 UT)
26Venus mag -4.4 passes 1.1 degrees south of Jupiter mag -1.8 (8 UT)
26Moon passes 0.9 degrees south of Uranus mag +5.7, occultation is visible from New Zealand (10:25 UT)
26Moon is at perigee 358,461 km or 222,737 miles from Earth (13:08 UT)
27Full Moon (12:06 UT)
28Mercury mag -0.9 passes 4 degrees north of Spica mag +1.0 (19 UT)
29Moon passes 0.6 degrees north of Aldebaran mag +0.9, occultation is visible from North USA, Canada, Japan and East Russia (23:08 UT)