A table listing some of the Astronomical Phenomena for March 2013:
Phenomena March
Day | Event |
1 | Moon passes 0.1 degrees south of Spica mag 1.0, occultation is visible from North Pacific Ocean, Mexico and Central America (7 UT) |
2 | Moon passes 3 degrees south of Saturn mag 0.4 (15 UT) |
4 | Mercury is at inferior conjunction (13 UT) |
4 | Moon passes 6 degrees north of Antares mag 1.0 (12 UT) |
4 | Last quarter Moon (21:53 UT) |
5 | Moon is at perigee 369,958 km (23:13 UT) |
10 | Comet PanSTARRS (C/2011 L4) is at perihelion in Pisces mag 1.7 |
11 | New Moon (19:51 UT) |
12 | Asteroid (29) Amphitrite mag 11.7 is at opposition in Leo |
16 | Mercury mag 1.4 is stationary in Aquarius (21 UT) |
17 | Asteroid (15) Eunomia mag 9.6 is at opposition in Crater |
18 | Moon passes 1.5 degrees south of Jupiter mag -2.2 (1 UT) |
18 | Moon passes 3.5 degrees north of Aldebaran mag 0.9 (3 UT) |
19 | Moon is at apogee 404,264 km (3:14 UT) |
19 | First quarter Moon (17:27 UT) |
19 | Asteroid (14) Irene mag 8.8 is at opposition in Coma Berenices |
20 | Spring Equinox NH - Autumn Equinox SH (11 UT) |
21 | Moon passes 12 degrees south of Pollux mag 1.1 (22 UT) |
24 | Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6) is at perihelion in Sculptor mag 3.2 |
24 | Jupiter mag -2.2 passes 5 degrees north of Aldebaran mag 0.9 (18 UT) |
24 | Moon passes 6 degrees south of Regulus mag 1.4 (20 UT) |
27 | Full Moon (9:28 UT) |
28 | Moon passes 0.005 degrees north of Spica mag 1.0, occultation is visible from South-East Asia and northern Australia (15 UT) |
28 | Venus is at superior conjunction (17 UT) |
29 | Uranus is in conjunction with the Sun (1 UT) |
29 | Moon passes 3 degrees south of Saturn mag 0.3 (20 UT) |
31 | Moon is at perigee 367,504 km (4:00 UT) |
31 | Asteroid (40) Harmonia mag 11.3 is at opposition in Virgo |
31 | Moon passes 7 degrees north of Antares mag 1.0 (18 UT) |
31 | Mercury mag 0.2 is at greatest elongation west 28 degrees (22 UT) |