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A table listing some of the Astronomical Phenomena for March 2013:

Phenomena March

1Moon passes 0.1 degrees south of Spica mag 1.0, occultation is visible from North Pacific Ocean, Mexico and Central America (7 UT)
2Moon passes 3 degrees south of Saturn mag 0.4 (15 UT)
4Mercury is at inferior conjunction (13 UT)
4Moon passes 6 degrees north of Antares mag 1.0 (12 UT)
4Last quarter Moon (21:53 UT)
5Moon is at perigee 369,958 km (23:13 UT)
10Comet PanSTARRS (C/2011 L4) is at perihelion in Pisces mag 1.7
11New Moon (19:51 UT)
12Asteroid (29) Amphitrite mag 11.7 is at opposition in Leo
16Mercury mag 1.4 is stationary in Aquarius (21 UT)
17Asteroid (15) Eunomia mag 9.6 is at opposition in Crater
18Moon passes 1.5 degrees south of Jupiter mag -2.2 (1 UT)
18Moon passes 3.5 degrees north of Aldebaran mag 0.9 (3 UT)
19Moon is at apogee 404,264 km (3:14 UT)
19First quarter Moon (17:27 UT)
19Asteroid (14) Irene mag 8.8 is at opposition in Coma Berenices
20Spring Equinox NH - Autumn Equinox SH (11 UT)
21Moon passes 12 degrees south of Pollux mag 1.1 (22 UT)
24Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6) is at perihelion in Sculptor mag 3.2
24Jupiter mag -2.2 passes 5 degrees north of Aldebaran mag 0.9 (18 UT)
24Moon passes 6 degrees south of Regulus mag 1.4 (20 UT)
27Full Moon (9:28 UT)
28Moon passes 0.005 degrees north of Spica mag 1.0, occultation is visible from South-East Asia and northern Australia (15 UT)
28Venus is at superior conjunction (17 UT)
29Uranus is in conjunction with the Sun (1 UT)
29Moon passes 3 degrees south of Saturn mag 0.3 (20 UT)
31Moon is at perigee 367,504 km (4:00 UT)
31Asteroid (40) Harmonia mag 11.3 is at opposition in Virgo
31Moon passes 7 degrees north of Antares mag 1.0 (18 UT)
31Mercury mag 0.2 is at greatest elongation west 28 degrees (22 UT)