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A table listing some of the Astronomical Phenomena for February 2013:

Phenomena February

February 02Moon passes 0.3 degrees south of Spica mag 1.0, occultation is visible from South Africa (2 UT)
February 03Moon passes 3 degrees south of Saturn mag 0.6 (10 UT)
February 03Last quarter Moon (13:57 UT)
February 04Dwarf planet Ceres mag 7.9 is stationary in Taurus (17 UT)
February 05Moon passes 6 degrees north of Antares mag 1.0 (7 UT)
February 07Moon is at perigee 365,318 km (12:05 UT)
February 08Mercury mag -1.0 passes 0.3 degrees north of Mars mag 1.2 (21 UT)
February 08Asteroid (68) Leto mag 11.5 is at opposition in Leo
February 09Moon passes 6 degrees north of Venus mag -3.9 (13 UT)
February 10New Moon (7:21 UT)
February 11Moon passes 6 degrees north of Mars mag 1.2 (14 UT)
February 11Moon passes 5 degrees north of Mercury mag -1.0 (18 UT)
February 13Moon passes 4 degrees north of Uranus mag 5.9 (16 UT)
February 15NEO 2012 DA14 mag 7.2 makes close approach to Earth (34,100 km or 21,200 miles)
February 16Mercury mag -0.7 is at greatest elongation east 18 degrees (21 UT)
February 17Mercury mag -0.6 is at perihelion 0.307 AU (approx. 45.9 million km or 28.5 million miles) from Sun (2 UT)
February 17First quarter Moon (20:31 UT)
February 18Moon passes 0.9 degrees south of Jupiter mag -2.4, occultation is visible from southern Australia (12 UT)
February 18Moon passes 4 degrees north of Aldebaran mag 0.9 (19 UT)
February 18Moon passes 0.3 degrees south of asteroid (4) Vesta mag 7.8, occultation is visible from central S. America and SW Africa (21 UT)
February 19Moon is at apogee 404,475 km (6:27 UT)
February 19Saturn mag 0.5 begins retrograde motion (9 UT)
February 21Neptune is in conjunction with the Sun (7 UT)
February 21Venus mag -3.9 is at aphelion 0.728 AU (approx. 109 million km or 67.7 million miles) from Sun (7 UT)
February 22Mercury mag 0.5 is stationary in Pisces (19 UT)
February 24Mercury mag 0.5 passes 4 degrees north of Mars mag 1.2 (22 UT)
February 24Asteroid (192) Nausikaa mag 10.8 is at opposition in Leo
February 25Full Moon (20:27 UT)
February 25Moon passes 6 degrees south of Regulus mag 1.4 (11 UT)
February 25Asteroid (65) Cybele mag 11.4 is at opposition in Leo